Two Letters


Lord Montgomery,
Your Lord,

As the CHARTER a mari usque ad mare authorizes the attempt of every new species of poetry, it is belonging to the Royal Charter, quidlibet audendi, the birthright of every poet beforehand, the hereditary obligation to patronize the Muses, with an unaffected Love, to promote the Love of Nature and the interests of Humanity. In Envy, the Obvious Bounds that still divide foul Flattery from fair Gratitude, would you esteem a Tax on the name of the Countess of Hertford, who can by no means dispense with so essential a privilege, of a Scenery of Nature more adapted to the genius and disposition of Poetry?
Your Dwarf,


    Her Countess of Hertford,
    Your Lady,


These poems are an attempt at ‘Traversal Poetry’, for transference between two or more politico in time and space, would thereby not exclude a negotiation in our words of ought and owe. With respect to Oxford Poetry, XV.ii., the book review of Miss Balmer’s work entitled, “Translating Classical Verse, Creating Contemporary Poetry”, mentions Cicero’s De Optimo and compared interpres, adnumerare, and appendere with the dignity of the translator, who negotiates scholastics and creativity, and a wringing out, or exprimere, according to our human search for an authentic humanity in the art of contemporary poetry. In passing my life as a dwarf, I acknowledge that because the past of humanity is humatus - interred, or laid in the ground - that the men and women from that past who are dead are those whom we ought to know, and whom we owe our itinerary, by which we keep in our passage through time and space, which we ‘traverse;’ Regarding that word, I find myself at the bounding-line of my life and the departed life of former homo sapiens. Yet, there remains a toll which must be paid by homo exterior, itinerantly during the traversal from a former to present time, retroactively.
Your Dwarf,



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